Thursday, November 18, 2010

I hate iTunes

This blog has taken a hit as it isn't really the first place I go to spew out my opinion on things anymore. But it still exists, it still will occasionally get some original content.

I've never been able to really articulate my political stance in the past. But I have one. I hate politics. People tell me I am just being an idealist or I need to do something else in order to even have the opinions that I have. But I fucking don't. Why the fuck can't I hate the fucking political system and not be actively trying to change it at the same time? Why is it that when someone votes for someone because they are slightly better than someone else and I choose to not vote for either of them I am the fucking bad guy? It's fucking mind boggling! And I realize I've overused the word "fucking" but I fucking want to, so deal with it.

Our system is shit. And anyone that thinks its good is a fucking moron. It doesn't work. It ends up with bickering and crappy compromises. It ends up with Republicans and Democrats basically having to run as moderates forever. I know what I want the government to be doing, but that is irrelevant to this conversation. What I know is that what it is doing isn't what anyone really wants. We are the frogs that have been in the pot. The water keeps getting hotter and we don't notice anymore. The system is broken. Buying into the crappy logic that if we don't indulge the system we will be fucked further is horrible logic. I'm choosing passive resistance. I'm choosing to say that I refuse to participate until it gets fixed. And yet the people I know that are most political "aware" seem to think I am some sort of idiot that doesn't know his ass from his hairnet. I'm not the smartest guy, but I am really, really good at putting shit together. I can see what is happening, and I can see everyone getting sucked into a national dialog when what we need is a conversation. A dialog is between two sides, but there are hundreds of sides to America. Why are we limiting ourselves to two sides?

The liberals are the bad guys, or the conservatives are the bad guys. There is no middle ground. News flash, there is actually some gray area in life and in politics. Why the fuck do smart people think that if they don't vote for the candidate they endorse the system will collapse on itself? I have no fucking idea, other than that they have bought into the idea that there are always only two choices. There are a million choices. Your choosing to follow. It's time to trail blaze.

I'm not an idiot, and I'm not hopelessly uniformed, and I'm not crazy. The system is broken. I'm choosing not to feed it anymore. And I'm not starting a campaign or backing a politician. I'm talking. I'm complaining, I'm raising my voice. And that may not be much, but its something. Maybe I'll always be the crazy voice on the fringe but I know I'm right. And that is all that really matters. I'm standing up for myself and my beliefs. And there are few things I fight for these days, but I fight for what I believe in. So fucking bring it on. Just be ready to get yelled at.