Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Escaped from Britain

I'm a sucker for novelty things. Which is probably why right now I am drinking Newcastle's Werewolf Ale. It claims to be a blood red ale. I poured it in a glass to check and its definitely just brown. And by way of taste, it's maybe a six out of ten. I wouldn't recommend it unless you are one of those people who collects different beer bottles to display. It does look awesome.

There's this documentary called "Conan O'Brien Can't Stop" that I watched the other day. It's just about Conan going on his tour he did while he was contractually obligated not to be on TV. He was such a dick to Jack McBreyer (Kenneth from 30 Rock) when he came by backstage. It was hilarious. But in that he did this quick little rock show with Jack White in New York and I found out that Jack White has a studio in New York where he just does random rock shows with people all the time. And you can go to it. It is now a goal in my life to go to that studio and see a show.

But speaking of Kenneth from 30 Rock, what is up with that dude? Let's just go over a few lines he's had in the show. I'm paraphrasing, so sorry if they aren't 100% accurate, but you'll get the idea:

1. "Who said I've been alive forever?"
2. "When I first started working here an 8-year old Shirley Temple taught me how to roll a cigarette"
3. (While watching Liz, Jack, Tracy, and Jenna through a telescope) "Look at them Jaccob, look at their capacity for good. I just need more time with them. I just need more time!"

There are a couple others I forget. I'll bet if I put in a minute of research on the internet I'd uncover a host of theories about Kenneth. Ehh... too much work.

I almost bought a house. It turned out to be a lemon upon closer inspection. I feel like I dodged a bullet there. Not just in getting a crappy house but in getting a house in Reno. I'm not really sure I want to stick around this town anymore. My last post was about dealing with getting dumped. But now that I've had some time to reflect on it I think it's going to be ok. We weren't really right for each other. And despite nearly hooking back up with her at a wedding recently I've gotten comfortable with the idea of not dating her anymore. And she was sort of the last reason I had to stay in Reno. So I think I need a new plan. I'm leaning toward wandering. Which doesn't seem like a plan, but I mean getting an RV and becoming a gypsy for a while. I was thinking the only way I could do that was if I had some sort of goal in mind when I went out there. Going out on a purposeless journey seemed a bad idea. But now I'm thinking the new scenes every couple of days, the solitude, the general life living of it would be great for me to get motivated to finish a novel. Not that I couldn't write a novel sitting in an apartment in Reno, but I'm hoping the change of scenery would be good for motivating me. Also it would be a good story for trying to sell the book. "oh yeah, while I wrote that I was just living out of an RV driving aimlessly around the US for half a year." And then they can act like I'm some sort of Dharma Bum of the new millennium. Even though, you know, I wouldn't be. But they could sell that idea. It sounds way better than "wrote it while attending a college to get a masters in creative writing." That's so boring.

Yes, my life is boring right now. I need to get out in the world a little bit. I think now is my time.

This might sound like I just came up with this idea but I've actually been thinking about it for a really long time. Pretty much since I got back from Maine. The fact is I've been scared about going for it. I've been sort of stuck. But I need something in my life. A loafty goal being carried out with an aimless aplomb.

In that Conan documentary he said he took over for David Letterman when he was 30 and I thought, "I'll be 30 in less than three years." I keep sort of waiting for life to happen to me. But I'm getting to an age where I need to make life happen to me. And really this is the only idea I've got.