Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Uncomfortable conversations with strangers

This semester is already starting to take its toll. And if we don't get no tolls we don't get no rolls. See what I mean? I can't even keep a coherat thought together for longer than a sentance. I do like spring rolls.

I am a fucking idiot. There, I said it. Paul was right all along. I finally had an opening and got to talking to a girl I've been angling for a reason to talk to for the last couple of weeks and suddenly I found myself standing in an elevator realizing I had blown my chance. Fuck, I've never been very good at flirting, and she was probably out of my leauge. Hopefully when the next oppurtunity like that comes up I won't make the same mistake. Knowing me I probably will.

Right now I should be writing something other than this. I'm working on this story that I think is going well but it is taking forever. I have no idea where to go in the story now. I was planing on turning it in tommorow, but now it looks like I'm going to have to turn something else in. The problem is that I feel that my writing has become something of a novelty act. What I'm working on has more substance, but its not ready! If only I had another week. So of course now I have to turn in another novelty act. My life is a novelty act.

I'm getting tired of getting shaken out of sleep by explosions. The fucking construction crew is still blowing rocks right outside our apartment. This morning the first thought that went through my mind as I woke up was "that was a big one." Then, in my tiredness, I thought "this is like living in a war zone," of course I corrected myself since there was virtually no chance of the explosion coming for me here. But I thought about what it would be like to be woken to explosions, much bigger ones, in a war zone. Then I sort of drifted back to sleep but I realized that that would really suck. I was wearing my WAR t-shirt (its a band shirt) the other day and was asked why I was supporting war. Its a good shirt, like someone that supports any war is just going to wear a shirt that says WAR. Thats right. War. I fucking love it. Why else would I wear this shirt. I don't even care what war. 1812, Civil War, Spanish-American, fuck it, bring it on mother-fucker. Its all good.

I wonder if mother-fucker really is a hyphenate or if it should be just one word, probably two seperate words. I'm not going to look it up though.

My mind is completely blank when I try to think of anything else to say. So the end, I guess.


ContradictionEffect said...

Right now I'm really bored and I'm just walking thru and posting on everyone's blogs like a buffet. There should actually be a nutechno term for what I'm doing, because I think it's probably done alot. Hmmm, I shall christen it "bluffeting." Ha ha. That's stupid. Hmmm, something hip would be a word that's real, but used in a completely context. Like "grazing" or some crap. Like, "Hey Jim, you done with those TPS reports right now?" "I'll get to it in a minute, John. Right now I'm grazing." Hmmm, "appleseeding?" Ha ha. That one's stupid too.

I just realized I'm totally typing and chuckling to myself while my kids have to watch some stupid movie. And that makes me feel guilty/smug.

BUT ANYWAYS HOLY CRAP. Back to your post. Yes, I cannot even begin to comprehend what it would be like to live in a warzone. I would very uninformedly imagine that it'd be kind of normal actually, with the same mundane tasks only intermittently sprinkled with moments of appalling and engrossing horror. But then again, I would think nothing would be very mundane at all if you constantly had the threat of mini 9/11's raining down on you and your loved ones. Think of the psychological and emotional paralysis. Just trying to like, have sex or make a nice dinner or watch a movie when your street is stained with the blood of untold numbers of strangers. War is an asshole. A ridiculous joke.

Maturity said...

Actually, I think "bluffeting" is one of the most clever and potentially hype creating word on the internet. We should use it.

Moore said...

Yeah, I did some serious bluffeting today. Only I didn't really post. But that still counts. Probably.

Speaking of cool new lingo, check out the new phrase in the following article:
