Friday, July 06, 2007

Added Section

The other day I decided on a whim to drive up to Portland, OR and check it out. I wasn't a big fan, to tell you the truth. I suppose I could grow to like it, but as of this moment I'm wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Unless they really like it, then go for it. Of course, if you know you like it, then why are you asking me to tell you if you should live there or not? Honestly, sometimes I just don't understand you.

I've been back in Reno for about eight hours now and I've already watched two Die Hard movies. Yeah, I'm that awesome.

I will say that I really liked Powells Books in Portland. Fucking amazingly huge bookstore if you've never been there. There are somewhere around eight (I think) different colored rooms, each devoted to a different section of books, and each room is about as big as a regular sized bookstore. So yeah, that was really cool. I only bought three books because I thought I was going to go back but I didn't get back over there. But that is okay, I'm behind in my reading anyway. Probably something to do with all these Die Hard movies.

Recently it has come to my attention that I don't have any idea what I'm doing. When I got to Portland I realized that right now I'm without anchor and I have nothing to hold me in one place. And I've been getting really antsy and I hate being in the apartment for more than a couple hours at a time lately. I keep feeling like I'm missing out. It's sort of like reverse Agoraphobia (I had to look up how to spell Agoraphobia and I came across a website with some awesome tidbits of information, such as, did you know there is such a thing as Euphobia- Fear of hearing good news? or that there is a word for a fear of otters? It's Lutraphobia). Not that I'm afraid of not being in an unknown or dangerous place, as I guess would be the exact opposite, but rather that I'm just afraid that I'm wasting my life in a cramped apartment with nothing better to do than sit around smoking cigarettes and watching Die Hard movies. Not that I have any problem with such activities, its just that I feel like I could do something akin to that for the rest of my life and really never accomplish anything and that sort of bugs me. Sort of really bugs me.

I've been going up and down a lot emotionally. See before that last paragraph I was in a good mood. Now I'm sort of depressed. It's been like this all day. All month, really. Just really rapid mood swings. I'll probably be on an uphill slide (can you slide uphill? am I mixing up metaphors/cliches? do I care enough to try to figure it out?) again in a few minutes. Actually right now it may just be that I'm getting pretty damned tired. So I guess that this post has come to the end.


Anonymous said...

ah too bad i didn't know about your trip, i might have been able to direct you the voodoo donuts which a very fine establishment that i think you'd enjoy.
have you tried zoloft? i've seen some impressive cartoon ads

Moore said...

Yeah, oh well, I'll have to get me some of those donuts another time.

And I don't think I'm quite to the point of needing the zoloft, no matter how awesomely impressive those ads were...

paul said...

ha but they were impressive indeed