Thursday, February 07, 2008

Up the down Date

My life is not gone exactly as planned. Not that there was a real plan, I suppose. On the upside I have found myself an apartment that I really enjoy. The down side is that I am now locked into both Fallon and a job delivering Chinese food for the Wok. The upside being I don't really mind the job. The downside is that I don't have anything else going for me at the moment. Taking a job like this one is good when your a student. Short shifts and extra money to be made each night off of tips. But I'm not a student, except for in a broader definition I might call myself a student of life. I don't know that really counts.

It is a strange thing to be around teenagers again. A good half the people I work with are still in high school. One thing that has become quite certain is that the people who are my age or older, or even a couple years younger, who go out with teenage girls have either incredibly low self esteem or some mental deficiency. I used to have nightmares that I was sent back to high school at my age. Usually a strange man with a thick gray mustache (or how my subconscious views authority, apparently) would arrive with a message that I had not completed this or that and that I was to be sent back post haste. There is something hellish to me about the idea of being sent back to high school. Some people call these days the 'glory days' or other such nonsense. To me that is like looking back fondly on your times in a prison before you were paroled. I see myself as having made it through high school. A sort of exercise in surviving. True it wasn't all bad. But I'm sure I could have had some laughs on the yard with other inmates as well.

I suppose what my real problem is is that I am afraid I will be stuck around girls like these for the rest of my life. Mood swings, constant need for attention, flat out stupidity. Are these to be my coworkers for the rest of my life? It frightens me a little. Hopefully this is but a layover for me.

Not a whole hell of a lot else has been going on with me of late. My love life is the same nadda. There is a girl I really like that I work with. She's married, so I guess that train has left the station. I realized I am really only interested in a certain type of girl, and in my life I've met only a few of them. All the ones I've met have been in long term relationships. To me it makes sense they would be as I suppose the type of girl I like would want commitment. It's just my bad luck someone else swooped them up first. I'm trying to be patient and wait till I meet the right girl who is actually available. When I do meet her I know all the waiting will be worth it. But at the moment my patience is starting to run a little dry.


Cheb said...

All women are crazy and irrational. I wouldn't say that normally but I had a long conversation with the women at work awhile ago when they basically admitted that even when they know they're acting irrationally and emotionally, they can't really stop themselves. OR it could be that your coworkers are rather young. Toss up at this point.

An apartment, eh? I'll have to swing by, check it out. Lately I've been very sick though, only fit for the company of family or other sick people.

Moore said...

Yes, you shall have to swing by sometime. I'm usually home during the day. Hope you feel better.