Friday, October 24, 2008

Obambulate while writing a palinode.

I love foreign countries. Mostly because they don't really have to give a shit about international copy-write law. Well, at least in the 80s they didn't.

I love his power of turning himself and anything he touches moderately transparent during flight. Quite an elaborate cloaking device for a guy with a three foot 'S' on his chest and two feet worth of hair on his head.

And if you think that a superman rip-off from the 80s has no bearing on todays world, then you obviously haven't seen this:

Between the hair, the dancing, the cheesy green screen and the music I'd say Andy Sandberg's life has been profoundly impacted by indian superman and indian lois lane/spiderwoman.

Post Script: Normally I have a pretty strict rule about making sure that the title of each blog entry (A) has nothing to do with anything and (B) is never, ever explained for any reason. I have no idea why I came up with that rule. Thank your lucky stars, then, for today is a rare exception as I provide a link to explain.

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