Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's This Blog!


by Cloud Cult
(Visit their website.
Love them a lot.)

I stole that from The Sneeze, which was a great website until it mysteriously died five months ago. The guy who wrote it was a modern day Dave Barry, which is strange to say because Dave Barry is still alive. Also, he was friends with Adam from the Mythbusters. I know I am referring to him in the past tense, but I should point out that I have no idea if he is living or dead at this moment. Only that he stopped posting to his blog a while ago. And I really like that song.

I've been posting more lately because I am quite nervous about things. I honestly think that within the next couple of years I am going to be enjoying the dream life I have been fantasizing about for a really long time. But there is a ridiculous amount of things that can go wrong. But, whatever, for the first time in my life I am starting to feel pretty damn awesome. That's really all I have to say right now. Mostly I just wanted to post that song.

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