A little bit ago I got an idea for hanging out with people this weekend as I think a fair amount of people will be in Fallon for the holiday. I realized after I sent it that a couple of guys families have moved away from Fallon since high school and therefore probably won't be around. Whoopsie. Oh well, at least they know that I haven't completely forgotten about them. Just that I've forgotten they've no reason to come to Fallon for christmas.
Christmas is expensive. What with all the traveling and the gifts and everything. I tried to go shopping at the mall, but everything was so damned expensive and there were so many people there and half the shelves had been stripped clean in apparent frenzies. I gave up after a few stores and just went home and ordered the rest of the crap online. Amazon offered free two day shipping with a trial of some new "Amazon Prime" thing they are running, and the discounts you get on stuff through them makes even having to pay for shipping way more economical than going to the mall. And there is the bonus of not having to go to the mall. I realize that this sounds like an ad for Amazon, and in a way it is. Lets call it an endorsement instead. I don't recommend buying a bunch of crap, but if you have to, just get it on the fucking internet and save yourself a headache or two.
My body is still sore from sleeping so much yesterday, but I am also very tired. I wish I could sleep from a sleeping bag mounted on the wall sometimes, the way astronauts do. Not that I would very often, but sometimes lying down is slightly more painful than keeping yourself vertical. Unless you fall out of the bag or something.
This AmeriCorps job is starting to turn out to be fairly good. I was having a few doubts about it, but between all the conferences and meetings and educational opportunities, it won't be nearly as slow as it was looking like it was going to be. I sort of wish that I had more of an interest in Geriatric studies as I am probably going to get to see a fairly wide array of doctors and social workers giving lectures on the topic during the course of the job. And it's all considered part of the job, which is nice. By the time I left UNR I was so sick of classes and books and lectures that I didn't want to deal with anything like that for a while. Now I am super excited about getting to go back to my old Alma Mater for a day or two and get to learn some new shit.
Probably the best part of all that, though, is that it gives me stuff to look forward to. Most jobs you go in, go to lunch, go home, repeat. Always the same thing over and over. At least here there is enough variety to make the days stuck in the office figuring out how to make a decent looking newsletter less boring. Although I say this after a week. After a month, after six, who knows? Maybe going to conferences and lectures will get old after a while, too.
I'm beginning to realize that this entry is fairly dull. Sorry. It sort of happens when I run out of steam. I've sort of acclimatized to the new schedule, but not entirely. And I can't help but try and fight off actually wanting to go to sleep at 10pm. Something about that seems so wrong to me. Yet it is 9:30 now and if it were not for my giant sized fountain drink I probably would have passed out on the keyboard by now.
I think that I am going to designate Wednesdays on this blog to being "Sci-Fi Wednesdays" or something to that effect but with a cooler name. I can't seem to go a day without finding more proof that we are living in a sci-fi novel/bad screenplay. Like this Geologist in Switzerland that was just acquitted for causing earthquakes while drilling for renewable energy. Yes, its the beginning to the fucking plot the 2003's The Core.
Only Hillary Swank wasn't involved. That we know of.
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