It is far to easy to hit the snooze button. It should release a small electric shock every time you hit it that grows to a larger and larger shock over time. You ain't getting back to sleep once you've been jolted out of your bed. Unless it knocks you unconscious, but then you can at least have a doctors note as to why you are late to work, "Dear Employer, Matt was trying to be too lazy and his alarm clock tried to kill him. -Doctor"
At least I have coffee. I went to Savers last night and got a new mug. It's says "Zithromax" on it. It's apparently just an antibiotic. Boring. I was hoping it was some sort of super anti-schizophrenic drug that had to be pulled from the market due to causing some sort of Fight Club syndrome.
We have once again been visited by the ice fairy in the night. Extreme weather is lame. I was sort of following that "scandal" about the scientists "faking" "global warming" data. Man there were a lot of air quotes in that last sentence. Anyway, someone stole some emails from them where they were talking about how they presented the data in a way that was meant to convey the results of the data instead of just having a bunch of random numbers that only meant something to a handful of people. So according to conservatives, snow is to no global warming as spreadsheets are to science is fake. It's shit like this that proves America doesn't deserve to be a Super-power. Imagine if Superman had the brain power of this guy:
There is a sever lack of understanding of what science is. For the last time, just because something is a theory it doesn't mean that it is a random guess.
Fortunately I know that I am just being a cynic, and that people will understand the importance of saving the planet before it is too late and we will have reasonable, rational discussions of the topic.
Or maybe not.
By the way, I am totally aware of the irony of me calling Global Warming skeptics Sloth and then immediately saying that its their fault that we can't have a reasonable debate on the topic. But, come on, it's Ralph. With A FUCKING SWASTIKA IN THE CORNER! Because if you can't believe a fascist who likes the Simpsons, who can you trust?
Question mark indeed.
At lunch today about half the table started saying things comically relevant to this post, including, from Mike the Tech guy, "I shoveled 14 inches of Global Warming from my driveway this weekend." Which is almost, verbatim, a Simpsons quote from the most recent episode. I decided to not argue with them openly, instead opting to subtly subverting them through the awesomeness of this blog.
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