Sunday, August 13, 2006

All Is Well In Hell

Last night I had been asleep for maybe half an hour when, for some reason, my body must of thought something was going wrong. According to this episode of House I saw, sometimes when your falling asleep your body misinterprets the slowing down of all those fun vital organs and what not as your body dying, so it sends something, like a bolt of energy or something, I don't know, maybe its like adrenaline or something, but anyway, it send this crap to wake the body up to keep it from slipping under. It's a nice little feature of our bodies, I guess, keeps us surviving longer if something really is wrong. But yeah, nothing was wrong last night, and yet I was jolted out of bed a little while after I had dozed off with such a huge fucking shock. My whole body shook when I woke. My heart was beating like I had just run a fucking marathon. It literally hurt my chest it shocked my so fucking hard. I woke up and I could feel my pulse without putting fingers to it, my whole body was beating to rhytem of my speeding heart. It was scary to wake up with that much of a push, also because right when I woke I heard footsteps in the gravel right outside my window. Anyway, it was a really fucking intense situation. My body was so thouroughly awoke by this that I couldn't get back to sleep for almost two hours. I just lay there waiting for my body to get tired again. finally I got some milk and slowly drifted back to sleep again. I always have weird sleeping problems. Sleeping problems suck.

I mentioned to Paul last night that he should read John Nichols "The Milagro Beanfield War." I think most people would like it, it's a pretty sweet book. It's about this dusty little town that's being held down by this huge corporation, and this tiny little symbolic Beanfield gets planted, and it starts this whole book in motion. The book has been held to heart by revolutionaries the world over. I'm not saying that you need to read it in order to 'take the power' back or anything like that, but it is rare for a book to have such strong political power, so I think its just one of those things that people should read because of its importance to others. Also, its really fucking entertaining.

We went to the drive-in last night, saw a double feature. It's cool going to drive ins because there so different from other movie going experiance, but at the same time it really sucked because the second movie (which was Clerks II) was blurry the entire way through and the radio station that you needed to turn into to hear the movie was getting interferrance, so we had to listen to this spread out speakers all around the place and it made a lot of weird echos. The shitty part was that the first movie (Pulse) was clear and the radio worked. Also, Pulse sucked, which I think we all knew it would. It got a few good wise cracks in though, and a lot of bad wise cracks in, so it worked out in the end.

Now I am off to work on homework or take a nap, whichever comes first.

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