Tuesday, August 07, 2007

It Always Turns Out This Way

Right now I'm sitting in a Days Inn in York, NE looking out the window towards a cornfield in the vain hope of seeing some fireflies frolicking around out there. So far I've seen none.

As you may have guessed from the part about Nebraska, I am on my way out east to Maine. There was some back and forth on if I was going to go or not, but eventually three things overpowered my chilled feet. The first being that I swore to myself that not only would I not stay in Reno any longer than a couple months after graduating, I also swore that I would not live in another apartment/house in Reno the day I moved into the Bluffs. The second being that every attempt I made to get something going in Reno after college had fallen through. I won't get into exactly what those things were right now, maybe later. The third being a strange attraction to Portland, ME. You know that feeling when your just starting to fall in love with someone? That's how I felt about Maine, still feel about it. And I have no idea why, but, shit, I just had to go find out.

I'm fucking excited as hell about getting there and scarred shitless as well. I have a feeling it will work out okay. But at the same time I'm going with no job to go to, no school to go to, no friends to go to, no family to go to. All alone. I make it sound worse then it really is. The thing I'm really afraid of right now is not getting there by Friday morning. Only because if I don't get there by then I'll be stuck in a hotel for an extra three nights when I could otherwise be in my apartment. Had I not (massively) overslept Sunday I would be on track to be there, but alas I left Monday.

I found the perfect diet for me to road trip. It keeps my energy up all day without those massive crashes that you get sometimes. Nutra-grain bar for breakfast, Cliff bar for lunch, jerky and trail mix for late afternoon snack, and then whatever is being sold in the nearest resturant to the hotel I bunk down in for the night. The last two nights its been Chinese food, which was delicious. Sort of a backpacking diet, I suppose. It works well for driving though.

Okay, I am very tired and though I sort of want to keep going and make this one of my super-long (average) posts, I shall take my leave now.


Anonymous said...

JJ Here:

Hmm. I would have liked to have said goodbye .

How is your grandpa by the way?

Moore said...

Don't feel bad, I didn't say goodbye to anyone. Or do feel bad that I'm a jerk. But mostly I didn't know when I was leaving and I just hadn't talked to many people recently.

Anonymous said...

drive! drive like the wind! driving across the country to have nothing waiting for you may sound lonely, but isn't it romantic? just keep in contact eh?

Zacharias said...

Well, you'll be living much closer to me now. I'll probably come up and visit once you get settled in. And of course you're welcome to come to Hogwart's (Princeton).

paul said...

ooh watch what you call that place round here... you'll get no visiters with that kinda language

Moore said...

Yeah, I was planning on coming down to Hogwarts when you got back from your overseas adventure. Probably hunting Voldimert (however you spell it) with all your wizard buddies from priceton.