Sunday, November 09, 2008

My brain is an Idiot

When I decided to go to UNR, I think I spent somewhere around seven minutes filling out a form on their website to gain admission. I've already spent a couple hundred times that seven minutes preparing stuff for my applications to graduate schools and I'm no where near ready to even send off the first of the applications. I don't mind doing it, it is just a lot more time consuming than I realized. Not to mention having to have my ex-professors help me through it all. I hate taking other people's time up for something that will only directly benefit me. I know that it is part of the job of being a college professor, but I still feel like a dick asking busy people to spend hours of their precious time focused on me. Granted, everyone has thus far been extremely nice about it. And most of the interactions with them take place via email. I can't imagine trying to get this all done without the internet. It probably took three or four times longer. Oh, I love technology.

I'm really getting excited though. I've been thinking about grad school for years. And now its finally starting to get closer to a reality. I'm also fucking petrified I won't get in anywhere. Because then I would be royally boned. Boned like a pop star. Boned like Sideshow Mel's hair. Boned like a... well you get the idea (I was going to say a skeleton! HA!)

I was going to ramble on a bit more. But then I realized that it is already past four in the morning. And I think I blew my load on all those bone jokes. So much so that I'm not even going to make the obvious joke about bones getting their loads blown.

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