Monday, April 27, 2009

No Preservations Needed

This week I've been waking up fairly early every morning. People always said "oh, its so nice to wake up early because then its all peaceful and you can get your day started right." But I never believed them, because night was so peaceful for me. Now I see it though. There was this coffee shop in Reno that was right across the street from where I was living that I always wanted to go to but never did because it was swarmed with annoying teenagers and youngish adult like people whenever I went there. Then I found out that if I went there before noon it wasn't swarmed at all. It was quiet and relaxing and even the coffee tasted better in the morning. I sat there for three hours last week writing an entire short story without being bothered except by an couple of older woman who forced me to take a photo of them (yes, forced me, as I was just sitting there and all of a sudden one of them grabbed me by the wrist and told me to get up and "do something productive before noon". I would have been offended but older woman get like +10 to persuasion as they always remind one of their own mother).

I've taken over the old studio behind my moms house. It was once a studio, at least, then the roots from a tree we'd had since we moved in came up under the foundation. Now the concrete is so cracked it makes me wonder if a very tiny earthquake didn't strike this exact spot. It was turned into a storage room in the meantime and now it is an office/TV room. Yesterday was spent watching Die Hard and filling out applications in here with the dogs wandering in and out and occasionally napping. It isn't the same as living alone, but its as close as I can get without having to pay rent. I can leech just enough internet out here to read blogs and post blogs and send email without it taking too long. Aside from watching TV shows on my computer that is all I ever use the internet for anyway.

I found a slightly defective Chewbacca mask in a halloween store a couple years ago that was about 80% off its original price. My life size Spider-man replica that Paul gave me wears the mask now and it stares at me from just behind where I type this. The eye holes in Chewies face are filled with the blank whiteness of Spidey's masks eyes. No one should ever have to face Spider-Wookie in battle, but I would love to see that shit go down.

Yes, I am just musing right now. Partly out of a desire to post a new blog and partially because I am procrastinating doing my homework.

I'm seriously considering joining AmeriCorps. I'm still working through it though. I'll add more of a detailed accounting of this in a few days.

On a final note, I am now moderating comments to this blog due to some random annoynomus posting I've gotten. I'll still allow any comment to go public so long as the writer of said comment reveals his/her name. The only other way to force people to add their name is by only allowing people with google accounts to post, which would be more of a pain in the ass for people I imagine. I'm not trying to stifle free speech or anything, but this is a more or less private blog (though technically open to the public) that I reckon only a handful of people know about and those annoynomus posts are pissing me off and freaking other people out. Anyway, this is how I'm choosing to deal with it, so if you post a comment don't expect it to show up right away.


tarl said...

anonymous comment this!

Just Josh said...

I agree about the night thing. When I was in school I used to LOVE driving around town at night. The air is crisp and everyone's tucked away. It's like you have the corner on life during that small slice of time.

What coffee shop are you talking about?

And my word verification jumble was "snoctfoc." Awesome.

Moore said...

I was talking about Java Jungle on the river there by the... thingamaroo.... movie theater

MorsaJones said...

haha.. no worries about possibly invading my online privacy.. i feel that posting anything in a public way online pretty much negates my ability to worry about who reads it.

and i've had the thing for so long, i just kinda gave up worrying about it.

plus, i like/trust you. so i'm not worried. :)


Cheb said...

I feel you about the anonymous posting. That's one reason why I disabled comments on my own blog, rude anonymous people with nothing really to say.

Since we're comparing verification words, mine is snence.