Monday, April 26, 2010

Angry At Everyone

There are a few times that I just get pissed off at the world. It used to be more frequent. I can't remember the last time that I actually stood up for something though. Everything has gotten so damn confusing. I don't know what to stand up for anymore. It isn't that the world has gotten more complex, it is that I don't really know my spot in it anymore.

Maybe I just don't care anymore. I turn all my anger inwards. I see every side of an argument and then choose to not get involved because I don't want to bother with a fight. That isn't me. It just isn't.

I don't have a fight right now. I don't have anyone that has pissed me off. I'm just pissed off.

I've often thought that a man is only as good as his enemies. Who are my enemies though? I'm adrift in the ocean and the only thing I can do is punch the water.

I need to fight, and I don't mean a fist fight, I have to fight for something. But I just don't know what to fight for. I'm a passionate guy when you get to something I actually care about. The problem is that I just haven't really cared about anything in a while. Somewhere, though, someone is screwing up. Someone is doing something that I have to stop. I just need to find out where. And what. And then I need to try to stop them.

My soul is dying. I'm treading water. I need to take a stand. I just don't know where to go to make my stand.

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