Thursday, October 11, 2007

Biggest Little Apartment

Stayed up all night so I could take Paul down to the bus station so he could take it to Boston to get on a train to head down to Oklahoma to visit B.J. I just woke up, and now my apartment seems so empty. When I first moved here I wasn't sure how I was going to deal with such a small place. When Paul was coming I wasn't sure how both of us were going to fit in here. Now that he's gone the place seems so big and empty. Oh, deep sigh. I know, I know, I must sound pathetic right now, but I've gotten used to being around people from my native land over the last couple of weeks, now I have to deal with the fact I'm in fucking Maine by myself all over again.

As for what else has been going on, my dad is in trouble with my sister and my mom because he's been speculating on some house that he's planning on buying and he didn't tell anyone about it. My mom found out (I mean, it is happening in Fallon) and told my sister and me and now my sisters pissed at him for lying to us. Paul and I were playing Scrabble yesterday and the first two words were "Green" and "Secret" and then I was rearranging my tiles in my little board and as I was moving them around they spelled out "Doug Lie." But apparently the house isn't green, so maybe scrabble isn't a psychic board game, although it could be...

My mom is taking off for Italy in a couple hours. Which should be fun. Except for that I don't get to go, so its not that fun. And I really want some pasta right now.

I'm going to have to get another root canal it looks like. A tooth that was iffy the last dentist visit got pretty badly infected. I was on vikadin for a day and now I'm just on ibproufin and penicillin. Drugs are not fun. Well, vikadin was alright.

I posted something last night to make fun of Zach. Since I'm sort of posting over it you should scroll down and join in the laughter! Haha!

Stephen Colbert has a new book out that I found mildly ammusing when I first saw and now can't stop thinking about. I'm having some buyers remorse. Some un-buyers remorse or whatever you call it when you pass something up. I just can't stop thinking about that book. And I think that's a little weird. A little really weird.

Its starting to get cold out here. I still don't have a job. I've been trying to work on my writing but between motivation and visiters I haven't gotten a ton done lately. So it looks like I will be needing a job since I can't count on writing a bestseller in the next two months.

That is all I've got for right now. Look for a long monolog on here in the future, as I'm sure I'll go back to my normal ways in a couple of days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your apartment is pretty small, but it actually wasn't that bad with two of us there. you should go visit bj