Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Now for something completely the same

Fallon is surprisingly not driving me mad. I thought it would. Especially considering I've been staying with my mom for over a month now. Well over a month. Like a month and a half. My god, I am such a fucking loser. Over half of recent college grads these days end up moving back in with their parents for a while. I think the reason is that people don't want a shitty job and end up needing to save all their money for a while whilst they search for a non-shitty job. Or at least that is how I perceive it as that is why I am back.

My hands are getting beaten up by the cat, who has decided that it is a good idea to claw into them and try to bite them. If I could backhand a cat, I totally would. And as funny as that would be to see a kitty fly across the room while I called out "bite this!" in my terminator voice, I just can't do that. Mostly because the cat would probably be broken. Also that is a really mean thing to do. And I am in no way advocating violence towards animals. Just theoretical violence. Fantasy violence. Like in the movies!

I left my laptop in the car last night and now it is cold and getting condensation on it. I imagine this is a bad thing.

I think that if people are allowed to play christmas music non-stop from a little before thanksgiving to a little after christmas I should be allowed to blare an air horn as often as I want in the places doing that.

There are two cops within about two feet of me. This is kind of unnerving. I am in a coffee shop so its not odd to see them here. Just that the table they sat at is right next to mine and I can hear them talking over my headphones. And they can probably read this if they want to. Or at least the one on my side. Scary. Moving on.

If you've got a few extra dollars or know of some other way of getting musical cd's you should check out the soundtrack to "Walk Hard: The Dewy Cox Story." Its a satire of the musical biopics like Walk The Line and Ray. But they got a lot of people together to write the music for this supposed musicians entire career. So there is a lot of Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash and 60 political and 70s dance, as well as many other styles, that have 'inspired' the songs. Of course its a bit silly. But there is some really solid work on it. I imagine when that movie comes out there are going to be a lot of people talking about the music. Probably more so than the movie itself, although that movie does look awesome. Granted I know that eventually I will tire of this soundtrack, mostly because I've been listening to it over and over, which is what I do with lots of music a couple weeks before I get tired of hearing it, but still, its good.

Those cops left so I think it might be time for me to get to work on my actually project I came in here for. Which is an ultra-secret, mega-mysterious writing project. Pretty tantalizing, eh?

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