Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Phase Two: ???

So I said you may hear more about this idea for a store o' mine. I don't know if I like talking about it so openly at this stage, which is what I think the professional types would refer to as the 'pre-planning stage.' Or I may have just made that phrase up. Because when I think about it if you are planning a plan, are you not planning? So maybe I should refer to it as the pre-business plan stage. Yes, that makes more sense.

At about two in the morning the other night I came up with a name for the shop. Well, not the official name, mind you, just the best one I've come up with yet. I wanted something that said "books" without using the word books in the title. What I came up with was: Literate. The sign would then read: Literate, New and Used Books. But then I got to thinking maybe it sounds a little too much like an education center than a bookstore. So I don't know about that name. I thought of making it "Literate Books" but that doesn't make any sense at all. How can a book be literate? According to (which also claims braggadocious is a word) literate is defined as:

1. able to read and write.
2. having or showing knowledge of literature, writing, etc.; literary; well-read.
3. characterized by skill, lucidity, polish, or the like: His writing is literate but cold and clinical.

Which makes it seem like a good name for a bookstore, but possibly misleading. The name isn't the most important part. But as it would be something I'd have to live with for a while if I went with it I suppose its important to have it work and be something I really like. I am open to suggestions however. Zaq called it Mor's Bookstore in a comment earlier, possibly just as a description of what it would be and not as a suggested name, but I'd like to avoid using my name in any form in the title. I'd also like it to be a short name. Something easy to remember.

In about seven or eight hours of doing some reasearch online I've got the bare bones basics of what I'd need to do to get this thing off the ground. The only real obsticle I can foresee at this point is money. No way I am getting a loan from a bank for this. Okay, maybe not no way, but very little chance. Even once I get the business proposal finished, which I've only just, just begun. Which means that the person I am going to have to convince of loaning me the money is someone in my very family (dun-dun-dun)! I don't even know if anyone can really afford to loan me that sort of money right now. Which means this idea may be going nowhere. But I have confidence that I can get enough start-up money and enough to cover expenses until I start making money on it somehow.

After getting the money the only real problem is getting the place I want. I found the location I'd like and the price on it is better than I would have hoped. And all I'd need to do is slap up some paint and some bookcases and a few chairs and couches. No remodeling needed. Also a table to put a chess set on. Totally. I just don't know if it will still be available come time that I am ready to move on it. If not I have a few back up choices, but none nearly so good as the first place. Well, actually one would be better as far as size and location, but the price might be upwards of six times as much, this of course because it has about six times as much space. But I might be able to lease out only part of it, so that would cut costs. Of course more space means I need more stuff to put in it, so thats more money anyway.

I've been wanting to open up my own little store since I was a young lad. Its always been a sort of dream of mine. That and becoming a famous writer. And directing a full length film. So now is the time for the shop. When I'm still young enough to do that for a while and once that gets off the ground I can write my amazing debut novel that gets turned into a movie that gives me the movie experience I need to go out and direct my own movie that wins every oscar. And when they present me with the last one I'll be all like "Take that Hobbits!" And laugh. Okay, so that may not happen. But a bookstore is definately something I could do. And honestly, if I stay in fallon working at a chinese resturant much longer I'm going to go completely insane. If I haven't already. Which I assume I haven't, but I guess I'm not the one that can be the final judge on that.


Anonymous said...

"The Nevada Small Business Development Center is a statewide business assistance outreach program of the University of Nevada, Reno and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. We provide an abundance of free and low cost information, assistance, counseling and training for Nevada Businesses."

Moore said...

Thanks for sending that link, I hadn't come across that page. And there is one course that looks really good but its wednesday nights starting this wednesday and I'm not sure I can get the 13 wednesdays off in a row. Hopefully there will be one in the morning coming up soon.