Monday, March 03, 2008

Brian Williams Talk Fire With Me

Lately I've been feeling like an old man. Not because of my age, but I wake up with a sore back and an aching shoulder and I get in my favorite chair and watch the news for a while. I think I'm going to start doing some Yoga. My body just hurts, some stretching would be pretty good for me I think.

Tomorrow should be the last day for Hilary. I mean, I really hope so. I'm getting quite sick of her. Though I was sick of her months and months ago. If by some fluke she wins I am going to have to stop paying attention to the campaign, I don't think I could put up with her till November. And if she won the election then I'm going to have to go into some sort of news free box for the next four to eight years.

I'm still working on the bookstore, but the more I talk to people in Fallon and the more I look into the long line of failed bookstores in Fallon I am starting to think that Fallon may still not be ready for a bookstore. I want it to be, but is it? I've heard several times already that people want a Chili's here way more than they want a bookstore.

I heard a few times the statistic that half of all american's didn't read a single book last year. Books are really being relegated to cities and to places with a lot of people with higher education. I wonder what the percentage of people with a higher education in fallon is right now? It doesn't seem very high. Maybe ten-fifteen percent? On average in America its 25% of people have degrees.

Even if its 25% here, if out of those people that was the only group who'd be coming in thats really not enough to keep a store going. I don't know, I just don't know.

I should get a different job. I'm supplementing my income with my savings to be able to afford everything and those savings are quickly dwindling. Somehow not having money come in for almost a year takes its toll on your bank account. And if I do get a better job then I would be able to save some more for the bookstore. Of course the reason I'm doing what I'm doing is because I couldn't get a better job anywhere. But I can't do this much longer. This job is shit and it pays like shit. Its really, really not worth the time I'm putting into it.

I think I will go out and try to get another job. And keep working on the store. And maybe look into grad school as a backup plan if other plans fail. I still planed on going back to school sometime, even if I got the store off the ground. So I might as well keep thinking about it and looking into it.

1 comment:

Cheb said...

I've been saying for years that a middle-echelon chain restaurant, such as Applebees or Chilis or Fridays, would do amazing in Fallon.

The bookstore could do ok, but I don't know if Fallon has a large enough population to support a mini-Borders.