Thursday, March 06, 2008

Tree Fiddy

The last four days have been a blur of illness. I guess a lot of folk have had what I got. I called in monday and tried to go to work on tuesday but as soon as the boss saw me he told me to just go home and try again wednesday, which didn't happen as I was stuck in bed all day wednesday. Today is thursday and I feel well enough to head into work in a couple of hours for my shift, but I do still get dizzy and light headed when I stand up for too long. Fortunately I can take it slow and since I'm a driver I can sit most of the time I'm working.

I still need to get a better job. Since my last posting I've done very little looking for anything else as I've been bedridden so much of the time. But it did give me time to think and think I have. I have thought, "I'm mother-fucking broke." I have also thought "Am I a fucking idiot? Why am I working as a goddamn delivery boy?" Apparently when I'm sick I like to swear a lot. Hell yes I do.

I haven't written anything creative in a few months now. I'm going to start up again soon. Sometimes I have to let life sink in for a while before I'm ready to write anything. Perhaps I shall even post some of this writing if anyone is interested in reading it. Although I always say I'll do that and rarely do. But we'll see. I need to get something published. I think if I do that I'll be more motivated to finish the final drafts of things. As it is now I just sort of forget about them because I hate editing my stories. But when I have motivation to do so I'll get them done.

But for now I want to have an interactive writing experience. So if you are so inclined, whoever it is thats reading this now, please provide me with a setting, a character, and a line of dialog and I will attempt to turn that into at least a 500 word story to be posted here later. And if anyone else wants to join in on this with me the more the merrier. I'll even start you out:

Setting: A mineshaft
Character: George, the fast-talking detective
Dialog: If only I'd remembered to tie my shoe.

The story doesn't have to be all in a mineshaft or all about George, they just have to make appearances. This is an old workshop trick to force creativity out of people under strange circumstances. So hit me with something and we can see what we come up with. Or not, if you don't want to. I understand.


ContradictionEffect said...

Setting: San Francisco
Character: John, a 32-year-old homeless guy
Line: "Ahhhh, fuck."

Moore said...
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Moore said...

Awesome. Thank you for humoring me on this. For some reason when I make up my own ideas in this manner I end up hating them. "fast talking detective? screw you hippy!" I say to myself.

I posted saying I'd try to have it done by Monday, but I wrote a first draft of one of my ideas for it already so I'm going to go ahead and post that here before I decide that I don't like it and put it on the backburner and forget about it. I may do some revision to it over the weekend, but then again I may not.