Monday, October 06, 2008

A Lame Turducken

The last couple of weeks have been forcing me to think about my immediate future. What I've realized is that I am actually quite unskilled at forecasting my own future. But today is/was a turning point. Basically a decision was made for me. So now I am sitting in a coffee shop waiting for it to be a few minutes later so that I can take care of everything that needs to be taken care of today.

I hit a breaking point at the house I'm living in and I have to get the fuck out of there. Like now, dude. It only took me about an hour worth of work to pack everything up. I like that sort of flexibility in a place I'm staying sometimes, especially when it comes to a point wherein I need to get the fuck out. Had I been so motivated I could be strapping my mattress to my roof and throwing my comfy chair into the back of my Rav right now and be completely moved out of that place. That would have required me to have already driven to and from Fallon in the past three hours, but I could have done it and had all my stuff safely in storage out there and have been left with a duffel bag and a couple of books and my computer and been floating around homelessly right now. Well, okay, in like an hour I could have been floating around homelessly.

Unfortunately this move is going to create a chain-reaction that is going to change what has been my life for the last couple of months completely. But whatever. I'm young and impetuous and foolhardy. I'm also sort of backed up against a wall and I've got to lunge at my attacker, in this case an unlivable living situation.

My basic plan right now is to not be out of Reno for more than a couple of weeks. I've been needing to take a sort of 'work vacation' and go somewhere and work on some writing so I can start to apply for grad school. Granted, I wouldn't really need to go anywhere to do this, I just need some spare time to do it. I just can't seem to write much when I'm working an actual job. I think its because for me writing is sort of an all day/all week process. Starting early in the morning, requiring driving, walking, sitting, occasionally blogging. Usually ending a day, regardless of if it was a successful day of writing, with a fairly respectable amount of alcohol. And then waking up and starting all over again. It just isn't something I can really do when I'm working 40 hours a week. I need about 50% of the time I spend working a day spent on an activity that requires no thought, so usually TV. So you take the eight hours plus the four hours of tv plus eight for sleep and it leaves me with four hours to write, an hour of which is spent on getting ready for work, and hour spent on eating, and probably close to two dicking around. Which leaves me with zero hours. That was probably something that needn't have been described so thoroughly, in which case the wasted time I spent writing it just goes to prove how much time I do need for that dicking around part of the day.

It is now time to get on with things for the rest of the day. I'll try to make sure I keep everyone in the loop as to what is going on with me over the next month or so, but I don't know that I am done with Reno just yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

levi says hi.