Friday, July 23, 2010


I'm tired, I'm angry, and I'm hot. Also, I'm bored.

There is a fairly large over/under on me keeping my car right now. I might be able to get it fixed for a mere $1000, or it could end up costing me in the ballpark of $3600. If the body was in good condition (which it isn't) I would be able to maybe get $5,000 out of it if I sold it after getting it repaired. Not to mention the breaks are beginning to squeak (I just replaced them two years ago, what the hell?) and the shocks are going out. I could get this all fixed and drive the car for several more years, which would make it worth the cost. But I'm growing tired of the Clown Car (for those of you who don't know, it is called the Clown Car because I am giant and it is smallish).

I used to think I was going to keep that car for another five years or so. I also used to think that Toyota was an amazing manufacturer and that I would only ever own Toyota's in the future. Now I'm not so sure. Because they knew about the problem that my car is having years ago and they did nothing to warn me of it. Had they told me about it when they got the first reports of the malfunction, I could have had them fix it for free and there wouldn't have been a chance of it damaging my transmission. But at 150,000 miles there is no chance of a warranty, and there is a very high chance that the transmission is already fucked. This could have been an easy fix. It could have been, but it isn't, and now there is a decent chance I'll have to plop down nearly four thousand dollars to get it repaired.

To put that in context, for less money, I could get a 95 Ford Mustang convertible. Granted I'd have to fly out to New York to get that, but that would be an awesome drive back across country. For some reason I've always wanted a Mustang convertible. I've never even actually driven one.

Looking through those car ads has brought up a pet peeve of mine. How hard is it to run spell check before posting something fairly important? I use Chrome so it does spell check automatically whenever I am typing something online, but even if I didn't have Chrome (which is free, by the way), I have three other programs that I could have run the spell check for me. If I was selling my car online I would make damn sure that the description was at least spelling-error free. Grammar is one thing. I suck at grammar and if I am writing fast I misuse punctuation constantly. But, again if it were an ad to sell something that was in the thousands of dollars, I would give it a once over and make sure that there weren't obvious grammatical errors everywhere.

I'm willing to bet that most Americans don't have that great of a grasp of grammar. We sort of teach it to kids when they are about ten and then expect them to remember it for the rest of their lives. But ten year olds aren't writing that complex of things. They go over it a little in high school, but they expect everyone to already have a perfect grasp of grammar so they don't really drill it in. If it were up to me high school English classes would be 1/3 grammar, 2/3 classic literature. That last part is because, lets face it, if you aren't made to read Moby Dick and A Tale of Two Cities and Pride and Prejudice when you are in high school most people will just never read them.

The website I'm getting set up is coming along. It's off to a bit of a slow start right now since no one is interested in writing for a website that doesn't yet exist apparently. But it will exist soon.

Lately I've been trying to decide if I am going to move out of this apartment once the lease is up. I like it save for the fact that there is no air conditioning. But the lease is up in September, so I'll only have to put up with the heat for another month or so at that point and then I can cost through winter before I have to deal with the heat again. I don't think that I can get a place as big as this for this price anywhere else in Reno. Of course once my roommate moves out it does beg the question of if I need this much space. On the other hand, I lived here for a while before he moved in and it felt like the right amount of space for me. I've moved enough that I have a pretty decent idea of what I need to have in my apartment to be comfortable and I don't think there are any places, even smaller places, that would be any more than fifty dollars cheaper per month than this place. Which doesn't really make it worth it for me. Having two bedrooms gives me the option of taking on another roommate later on if I get strapped for cash again, and not having to move is worth several hundred dollars to me since I goddamn hate moving. I've moved at least ten times in the last eight years. Granted a few of those times was just me moving back in with my mom for a few weeks/months at a time, but I still had to move all my shit. I think I need to try to find some stability in my life for once. I sort of hate Reno still, but I have nowhere else to go. I'm always chasing some mythical idea. Always thinking of nothing but escape. But nothing has come from my dreams of bigger and better things so far. It sort of feels like giving up to admit that I should just stay put in Reno for a while. But it seems like no matter what I try to do with my life I always end up back in Reno. Maybe its time to start making the best of it.

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