Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wed-Da Sci-Non Ext-Ga pt.2 1/2!

Okay, I don't have anything Science-non-fictiony to post tonight. No, instead I am simply going to talk about what they are talking about on Scientific American,

Top Ten Science Letdowns of the Decade

Though there is still a decent chance that I will change this to being "Sci-Non Fan-ta Ext-Ga" (The Fan-ta being fantasy) as the article has a perfectly acceptable, non-ironic, quote in it that reads: "But no second hobbit skull has been found yet to settle the debate."

But no space travel, no flying cars, no cures for incurable disease. I thought we were supposed to have it all figured out. I thought we were the future. Although there is a chance that children have stolen that title from us.

We have made incredible leaps forwards in science, but we are still so far behind what we could be. I've always believed that humans haven't really gained intelligence in the last million years. We've figured some shit out, but at our core our brains are essentially the same as the first humans to crawl out of caves and start building shelters. I am certainly no smarter than a person living in the dark ages, I simply have more access to information. Intelligence isn't a measure of what you know, but how you think. We haven't grown all that much in that department in our evolution, and therefore we are virtually unchanged from our ancestors. We just want to eat, fuck, and sleep in comfort. There really isn't a hell of a lot more to us.

So perhaps we are living in a science-fiction novel, and perhaps we are not, but I tell you this, regardless of which is true, we are just as dumb as we've ever been and we will continue to question everything we think we know just as much as we ever have.

1 comment:

Cheb said...

Those last two paragraphs were pure wisdom.