Saturday, January 02, 2010


One of my neighbors, who shall remain nameless (because I don't actually know any of my neighbors), is baking up some amazing Cinnamonie smelling breakfast. Probably for their loved ones or something. Mother fuckers. I am Jack's enraged sense of entitlement.

I am not nearly as hip as I used to be when it comes to finding cool British sitcoms, but I came across Black Books on Hulu and it is quite good. Although I might just like it because it has Bill Bailey and involves self-obsessed loners who drink and smoke to much.

Damn those neighbors. If anyone reads this in the next ten minutes or so, they should bring me over some sort of delicious baked goods. Especially if that person happens to be some sort of Master Baker (ha! master baker) by trade (*cou-Sara-gh*). I wouldn't be able to give you any sort of compensation, but isn't spending time in the kitchen baking then driving all the way over here to watch me eat something you made reward enough? Yes, yes it is.

Well, the mighty Blog-Off '09 is over. I won, just like I predicted. Cheb certainly gave me a run for my money, though. Honestly at the beginning I thought he would just spend most of the month coasting on the lead he already had and then maybe throw up one or two posts if I got close. But he pounded out nearly twenty posts. Had I not been completely obsessive about winning, I would surely have found myself on the losing end.

I don't know that I had the results I was hoping for from the Might Blog-Off '09, which I won, that I was hoping for. Sara says she might start blogging more. And Skot sort of resurrected his blog. All the rest of them are still down. Still, it is a start. And I plan on doing the Great Internet Blog-Off of '010 later this year as well. The plan is to get way more people involved. And perhaps to set up some sort of special blog that we can go to to either link to our newest blogs or all be more interconnected through one site that we can all post on. I don't know how well that will work, or how many people will constitute "all." Fortunately that is a project for the autumn, and as I have proved time and time again, I probably will forget about this by then. Although if anyone is interested, or if anyone has been blogging and I didn't mention that you've started up again (or never quit and I'm just an idiot) post a link in the comments, please. I thoroughly enjoy reading people's blogs, and there need be more of them.

I have been told that my Wednesday segment, Wed-Da Sci-Non Ext-Ga, needs a new name. I will take suggestions, if anyone has any, but this isn't some fruity democracy or anything. I mean, it's going to take one hell of a good name to get me to actually change it.

When I was a bit younger I was obsessed with Dave Barry. I really wanted to grow up to be just a random humor columnist. I guess that dream could be way easier to realize now with the internet. I hadn't really thought about it till recently, though. But after a month of power-blogging, I am starting to think about it some more. Most of the blogs I post here are just me talking about myself for a few pages. And generally they are just me complaining, but the ones that I actually put work into and try hard to get something that will be of more general interest are way more fun to write. Even if they aren't, as I'm sure many will point out, actually funny.

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