Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blogging Declared Uncool

I've been getting fired up about politics this morning. Republicans saying its going to destroy the world if we give suspected terrorists trials, Colorado Senators proposing legeslation that would allow creationists the ability to opt out of science classes. Fuck, that is just retarded. I sucked at science in high school (still do suck at it) and if I knew I could have just taken some other elective to avoid taking my science classes if I just said I didn't believe in, you know, SCIENCE, then I probably would have. Because I am lazy and don't mind lying to authority figures.

Haven't religious law-makers ever taken five minutes to research what has happened every single time in history that laws have been passed to try to prevent scientific progress? They always lose, and then they end up looking like total morons. Of course if they were smart enough to learn from history they probably wouldn't think that evolution is an affront to God.

I should just ignore it, but goddamn, that shit is crazy.

Maybe I'll try to write a story today. I haven't written a new short story in a while. It seemed like a had a really good idea for a story the other day, too, but I think it is lost in the Maze of Death that is my memory.

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