Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Caution: Magnetic

I think that I figured out exactly what job I want. I made up a job description in my head the other night and started looking for something that suited that description. I didn't think I would find anything, until I realized that I wasn't giving myself enough credit. The job description, essentially, was to find a job with incredibly flexible hours, one that I could work from home, and one that utilized some skill I had that other people don't necessarily have or would at least be willing to pay someone else to do. Since I'm not a handy man I figured that I was boned. But it turns out that there are a shit ton of freelance writing jobs out there, and I aim to get me somes.

I wasn't thinking of writing as a skill, but it totally is. I just take it for granted. I know that many of my blogs would serve as proof that I don't have much skill in writing, but you have to remember that very often when I come here I am either depressed, distracted, or drunk. There might even be other "D's" to throw into the mix (disturbed? disconnected? discontent? dumb? D.J. Wicky Wick?) Point being that what you read here may not represent my best writing. Which is fine, this is a personal blog and it is what it is, there isn't any reason for me to put enormous effort into every single post.

Freelance would work well for me. Give me a little direction and I can get shit done on time and it will be pretty decent. Plus I can do it without having to worry about just up and quiting my job. Honestly if I diverted an hour a night to working on other projects instead of watching tv or reading I could probably get a lot of shit done.

Wed-da Sci-Non Ext-ga(!) is hopefully happening again this week. I'll grant that I have been very inconsistent with it, and I apologize. Not that anyone really cares, but, fuck it, I liked having Wednesday's be my theoretical science days, even though there weren't many of them. I just run out of time to really research and find stuff that fits the profile. Not that there isn't a lot out there, I am still quite convinced that we are living in a sci-fi novel.

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