Monday, September 20, 2010

At least I got a Case

Life shouldn't be that hard. The earth is billions of years old and if we are lucky we get 80 years on it. The first ten are all about development, the next ten are about learning your place in society, and then you have a couple of decades of trying to succeed on your own before you aren't relevant any more. It just doesn't really seem fair.

Thankfully life is full of all sorts of ups and downs and generally the ups outweigh the downs.

I shouldn't be feeling optimistic right now. I have no idea where my life is going or what is going on in it. But I am feeling good. Sometimes things just make sense to me that I don't think other people would be able to make sense out of.

I know this is all very vague, but I am in a weird mood. Sometimes it seems like how I am feeling about things is way more important than what the things actually are.

I shouldn't be in a good mood. I shouldn't feel good about things. I shouldn't, but I do. It doesn't make sense. That makes me happy.

In the dark hours of Sunday morning I watched a woman dance to absolutely no music. Other people seemed to be annoyed as she was stomping around, stomping out a beat you could say, yet I found it quite fascinating. There are some people who would dismiss such an act as an annoyance, there are those that think that she is merely crazy, but I saw something different. An identity, a purpose. And though those might have been vague even to her, I think that it was there. I was not interested in this girl, I had no intention of trying to go home with her, I just liked to observe her personality. It was a personality that I had never seen before, and that is a gem to me. So many people spend so much time trying to be something that they aren't. I just like people who can take a moment to be unique from time to time.

Maybe that is what life should be about. Trying to connect with people you find it hard to understand. We are all about the same when you boil it down. We just want food and sleep and love and we need a few ways to blow of stress. Maybe I just sound crazy right now, but I'd like it if that were true. Because then there wouldn't be any reason for any of us to not want to know each other.

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