Monday, September 13, 2010

Take a bite of this Apple

Last night I realized that I have had a fairly decent turn around from this summer. I was really depressed for a while there. But things have been looking up for the last few weeks, as I have mentioned.

Last week I mentioned three different girls in my post and predicted some wacky antics to follow. None did. I ended up meeting another girl, one that I am much more interested in pursuing than any of the others. So I shall ignore the others and focus on her and see how that plays out. The dating world is really hard for me to navigate, so I have no idea how it is going to go, but I don't want to even think about attempting to juggle multiple girls at the same time. As I said before, none of this really sounds like me. I'm more of a stay at home and not interact with the world type. I'm also not a great multi-tasker. So I'm making a choice and I'm going to follow through till I succeed, or something goes horribly wrong, but I'm focusing on the succeeding part. Wish me luck internet denizens.

I think I might get an internship sort of thing from a new TV station up in Tahoe. I am going up there Wednesday in order to talk to them and get a tour and learn about TV making. I have no idea if I am cut out to work in television, certainly I am not cut out to be on TV, but I love TV. My relationship with TV is one of the most serious relationships I have had in my life. It is probably time to give something back. And maybe, just maybe, get a chance to make an awesome show someday. I've always wanted to write at least one episode of a show that gets shot. Its sort of a life goal. This could be the first step I need to take in order to achieve that.

So things could go well in the next week or so for me. I hate getting excited about stuff before it happens as I hate being let down, but, damnit, I am going to get excited. Life is meaningless when there is nothing to look forward to.

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