Saturday, December 12, 2009


It turns out that if you wake up ridiculously early everyday for a week you will not be able to sleep late into the afternoon as easily as you had before. I've been tired this whole week though. Today was supposed to be my lazy day. I guess it still is, I can nap at least. But it hurts to only sleep a few hours every night. I don't know how people do it for an extended period of time.

I got home last night and it was snowing fairly heavily and I decided to run to the store to stock up a little for the weekend in case it didn't stop snowing. Of course since I already had a lot of pasta and other noodles I decided that frozen pizza and little debbie snack cakes were appropriate things to stock up on. Thank god it has stopped snowing, since I don't know that anything I bought even can qualify as having nutritional value.

My dreams lately have been quite epic. Not so much in what is going on, just in the fact that I can wake up and then fall back asleep and continue on the same line of the dream. I am creating very rich back stories for characters in my subconscious. Frankly they are having a better go at life than I am.

When I swore into AmeriCorp I had to swear (or affirm) that I would defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. It turns out, though, that I am wholly unqualified to do any real defending. It's not like I was getting combat training up there. Fortunately I came back and found something on the interweb that proved that the US doesn't need me defending it, as arch-rivals have already started to get along. And its all thanks to Conan.

Yes, I was implying that Sarah Palin and William Shatner are arch-rivals. I assume this because they are both completely insane and refuse to give up their fifteen minutes of fame.

I really want to go back to sleep. I also want to eat some pizza. I can't figure out how to do both of these things at the same time.

There are more random thoughts forming in my mind, but I'm not feeling up to actually elaborating on any of them. So I will bid you good day.

I said Good Day.

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