Sunday, December 20, 2009

Put a Little Mustard on That Mustard

After my triathlon of posting on Friday I completely missed posting anything yesterday. And now that I am finally getting back here I can't think of anything to say.

Paul and I were talking about comics last night and we decided that they need to create some new comic titles for some of the bigger heroes. The new titles would take place in alternate dimensions that started out very similar to the ones the heroes are in now, but they would have more continuity and bigger world changing events. I still like to read Spider-man comics, but they get boring knowing that everything is going to be ultimately the same as it was when Spidey first came out. And when they do change things up, they find a way to reset everything before too long. I get that people want to read comics because they know what to expect from the characters and they can pick them up after a few years of not reading it and know that things are going to be about the same. But that is so restrictive for writers. It makes them have to write all the cool stories in less than five or six books and then make sure the hero wins and everything goes back the way it was. We want to see some comics were major chance happens from time to time. We want to see the heroes actually change and grow as their story is going on. So, alternate universe. Paul and I would be happy to write for them, by the way, in case someone who can make that happen is reading. We would totally kick ass with that job, too, mysterious comic book company executive that for some completely unknowable reason reads this blog.

My keyboard is getting harder and harder to type on. I have to hit the keys as hard as you have to type on a typewriter. Maybe thats good because it will make me slow down a little and think more about what I am saying. But if I really think about what I am saying, then I would never have anything to type onto this blog. I probably wouldn't say half the shit I say here if I was really thinking about it.

I remember when I first got online and I would sometimes spend hours downloading a single song from Napster. The other night, on a whim, I downloaded a complete discography of Electric Six. It took less than an hour to download. And I spent that hour streaming episodes of Dexter from the internet. I know everyone is well aware of how much more awesome broadband is than dial up, but I still think it is something to point out every once in a while. Technology changes fast, yo.

Last night I was reading an article about how we need to work on neuro-security protocols to protect peoples microchip implants that they are putting in their heads so they can control their prosthetic arms/legs. Yes, a serious issue that is coming up in our society is being afraid that hackers will hack into your brain and shut down your limbs. If you didn't think that we were living in a sci-fi novel before, I think this proves my point fairly well.

And if I still haven't convinced you, here are 5 Reasons to Fear Robots from a reputable site. The quick slideshow ends with this low budget movie on how we are all turning into cyborgs.

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