Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Chebedia Springfield

I just came up with a new theory on cats. More specifically internet cats and cat memes. Cats have exploded on the internet*. Cats are more often associated with femininity. Cat memes are all about cats making fools of themselves. Therefore, the popularity of cat memes is directly related to how much men want to see women make fools of themselves. This is, once again, a theory I just came up with. I haven't exactly tested this.

I was getting ready for Sci-Non Wed-Da (Science Non-fiction Wednesdays)and came across an article about Super-Earths. I don't think they deserve a place in Sci-Non Wed-Das, as they are mostly theoretical. Still, the idea that the first life we are likely to be able to find will be on a planet the size of Jupiter that can actually have a livable atmosphere causes me a sci-fi erection lasting longer than four hours. That is a poor metaphor, but I think you see my point. Imagine a world filled with people so giant that they measure their planet, relative to their own size, to be the size of earth. Or a planet that large that houses such small intelligent life forms that they can't even conceive of a size larger than the size of their planet. Or anything in between! It's madness, I tell you. Madness.

Cheb surprised me with a 2am double-posting session last night. I've been nipping at his heals since my triple posting session on Friday and now he has put a little distance in there. At least now I know that Cheb is playing for keepsies.

What if Superman had been from a Super-Krypton? What the shit would happen there? Would be be somehow even more invincible?

I am currently in a horribly bad mood and a fairly good mood. I want to beat the shit out of someone then enjoy a burger and watch a football game with them. My mood has been going up and down all day. Like a minor, hopefully temporary, version of bi-polar, but without all that manic-ness. I think. Although it is difficult to diagnose manic behavior in oneself. I guess I am trying to figure out if I should be happy about the way things are going in my life or just pissed off. Logic and irrationality are caught in a mortal battle in my brain at the moment. I just hope I don't ram someone off the side of the road because they are driving two miles per hour too slow before they declare a champion.

Honestly I feel like there is just a lot of anger boiling up. And I'm not sure about what, but it is there. I can't seem to get a grip on it. Generally this feeling goes away, when I do happen to have it, after a day or so, but it still is bugging me. Maybe its just that I don't have a proper enemy right now. I need someone I can really just hate. A politician at least. Some focal point for my anger. I hate to admit it, but I sort of miss Bush. At least with him I had an authority figure I could hate no matter what was going on. I don't know if I have ever mentioned this here, but on 9-11, the first chance I got to get online, I went looking for sites that were mocking Bush as they had been before that day. Most of them had gone offline already by the time I typed in the addresses. I was sort of pissed. If it wasn't cool to mock the President right after a national tragedy, then, in my mind, it was never cool to mock him. Same rules still apply. If it was cool to mock Brittany Murphy last week, it should be okay to mock her now. I honestly have no idea who Brittany Murphy is, and so I don't really care one way or another if SNL pulled the skit, but if it was funny last week then a death shouldn't change what was funny then. Maybe make it more sad, but not just quietly deleted. Still, getting back to Bush, he was the President, and then 9/11, and all of a sudden he was a saint because no one would say bad shit about him. Then Iraq, then Iran-Contra, then Afghanistan (those events may or may not apply to him or be in any sort of chronological order). The point is that if someone is an enemy they need to stay your enemy, no matter what. Unless you win. Then they are still your enemy but a defeated enemy, which makes them more dangerous. I need to feel that again. You can say what you want about my politics, but I hated Bush while he was running in '99 and I hated him when he was waving goodbye from the helicopter in '08. The world just doesn't build enough of those types of people. Constant Bastards with Power.

I really do feel that a man is judged by his enemies. It is way to easy to make friends with people. To actually stand up, to fight against, to prohibit others, that is the true mark of a man. I have no enemies. At least none of any value. By my own standard I am failing. I need to fix that. Perhaps that is the cause of my un-focused anger.

*SEE: The Entire Fucking Internet


Cheb said...

Even if astronomers find a thousand Earth-like planets using observed data, there is still the problem that they are dozens of light years away.

The Voyager 1 probe will take over 18,000 years to cover ONE light year.

paul said...

imagine how long it would have taken for explorers to circumnavigate the globe had it been the size of jupiter. earth's circumference is 4,000 miles. jupiter's is 44,000. it's pretty incredible to think about. granted the planets they're talking about are much smaller than jupiter...