Monday, December 28, 2009

Magical Mystery Tour

So I suppose I had a fairly good Christmas. It is amazing to me how far removed I feel from the Christmases of my youth, though. We used to have to go to church and do all the religious baloney. And I was super excited about everything. The food, the candy, the presents. This year, though, I was looking forward more to going out drinking Saturday night with the Group more than anything else. I guess priorities change.

I have to be at work in an hour. Which is fine except that at the most I probably only have about an hour worth of work that needs to get done today. It's amazing how little is required of me at that place. I thought I was going to be super busy all the time, but I could probably show up two days a week and get about as much done as I do showing up five days a week. I remember once I took a personality/professional analysis test thingy and it said I wouldn't do well in an office environment. It was probably right, that environment seems to bring out my worst work habits. At least at a security job, despite there not being real work to be done most of the time, I am always doing something. Even if it is just patrol or sitting in dispatch, I am working my entire shift. I try to keep working there, but sooner or later I just have nothing to do. I know that I probably just seem lazy and I a constant procrastinator, but when I'm working I'm usually quite efficent. I like to get everything done as quickly as possible. Which makes me look lazy, because I'll end up sitting around doing nothing for long periods of time when I am already finished with everything.

I really should go and get ready. I probably don't really have time to blog in the mornings like this, as it always seems to take me longer to get out the door than I think it is going to. Plus my brain isn't really on in the morning, so these blogs are probably mostly filled with useless gibberish (which is different from my other blogs how?).

Some time has passed. Not in an epic sense, it's been about nine hours since that last line. I just got back from work and it turned out that the hour of work I had predicted was about five minutes worth of work. I spent the rest of the day reading articles about this or that on my computer. Probably not the best use of my time, but I couldn't think of anything better to do. People keep asking me about my job and what it is I do and I try to tell them and downplay the whole "helping people" part as I don't know I really am helping anyone just yet. I'd like to be, but it just isn't working out that way yet. I shouldn't be modest. If anything I should be overselling it. I'm not used to trying to push for myself that way, but I think I ought to start doing that. Mostly because when girls ask what I do they seem impressed until they realize that I haven't really done much with it yet. I should work on a sales pitch for it and make it sound like I am some sort of awesome dude that is dying to help humanity. I should also make sure that I have done a good job of shaving before I leave the house, as I got to work and realized that the crappy little razors I bought made me miss about half my face, and what with the mirror in my bathroom being too short for me and the fact that I'm usually half asleep, I tend to get crappy shaves more often than not. Add into there the fact that before having this job, my average amount of shaves per month since I started shaving was somewhere around three. That takes into account the times I grew it all out, but still, I honestly don't have much experience with shaving. Which is weird, as I am 25 now, but whatever. I should just grow out a beard again. I don't think any one at work would be mad about it so long as I kept it trimmed this time.

Only three more days. Not counting today. Or about three and a half otherwise:
Mor - 43
Cheb - 44

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